Water features in outdoor spaces add an aesthetic feel to homes in Mansfield and Arlington. There are also various feasibilities to upgrade your existing landscaping in Fort Worth with it. A swimming pool might not be within everyone's budget, but you can still have some form of water feature to match your taste.
Landscaping ideas with small water features can be built at homes in Mansfield, Arlington, or Fort Worth with basic DIY skills, too. Begin with placing a water bowl on the deck with aquatic plants and uplift your entire outdoor look.
Tips To Upgrade Your Landscape Plans with Playful Water Feature
1. Start Small
If you are not a keen gardener, draining ponds, cleaning filters, removing leaf litter or algae, etc., can turn you down. It's best to start with a small landscape water feature, like
● A simple fountain in a pot
● A container water garden with miniature waterlilies
● A beautiful earthen bowl filled to the brim with water with some floating flowers
Place them on a low table at eye level to decorate your home. It helps you understand the maintenance needs of a water feature.
2. Right Space Matters
If you want to go bold with fixed water features, ensure to position it correctly to maximize its effects, like
● Rectangular pond - Place it close to the front entrance
● Raised water trough and fountain - Place it near your outdoor-entertaining area to create a soothing backdrop
● In-ground ponds - Position them in high-spots or areas where the water does not accumulate through run-offs
3. Choosing Fixed Water Features
● Ponds
Ponds can add energy to landscaping in your home in Fort Worth. They respond to natural elements (rain, sunlight, wind) and add life to your garden. Add liners (fiberglass, plastic, PVC, rubber, etc.) to both natural-looking and geometric ponds made of concrete, brick, or clay. Add plants and fishes to give color to your pond. Remember, birds, bees, or other insects can soon discover it too.
It demands professional maintenance. Therefore, consult with an experienced local contractor or professional landscaping company in Fort Worth before building an in-ground pond.
● Moving Water
Moving water adds even more energy to gardens and requires proper care and upkeep. Further, you also have to decide carefully things like
● Volume of water
● Type of pumps
● Height of waterfall
Remember, it's a noisy water feature. So adjust your pump or place something below the water to reduce noise. Also, install it in a location that has easy access to power and freshwater.
● Choose the Water Plants Carefully
Water plants are of three types
● Floating - Water lilies and lotus, they shade the water
● Bog or marginal plants - Iris and pickerelweed, they grow on the water edges
● Submerged plants - Eelgrass, fanwort, and hornwort, they are oxygenating plants that keep the water clear and algae-free
Ensure to keep some part of your ponds’ surface shaded to prevent algae build-up. Also, avoid overplanting.
Any neglect in the upkeep of the water feature can deteriorate its beauty. So, always check the landscape maintenance requirements of water features before committing to the project in Mansfield, Arlington, and Fort Worth.