Busy roads, unattractive sightings, or nosy neighbors all can take away peace and privacy from your home. Curating the views to and from your landscape in Mansfield, Arlington, and Fort Worth can give enough relaxation to enjoy the pool or backyard without the prying eyes of neighbors. Privacy landscape design is a great way to avoid looking at anything unsightly from your yard in Fort Worth/Arlington. Take a look at some landscaping ideas to inspire yourself for a privacy landscape design in Mansfield, Arlington, and Fort Worth.
Top Five Privacy Landscape Ideas for Your Backyard/Front Yard
1. Privacy Panels
Customized privacy panels are beneficial for a variety of different spaces. You can use it in a row to create a privacy fence or create a decorative design to accent your backyard/ front yard. It comes in a variety of materials like
● Wood fence panels
It is great for privacy, convenient to assemble and build, and easily adjustable to suit your space.
● Metal privacy screens
It is an excellent choice for decorative purposes, easy to customize, and can fit aesthetically with your existing landscape in Fort Worth, Arlington, and Mansfield.
● Masonite compressed fiberboard
They give an equivalent look as metal privacy screens provide but cost you less than it.
● Fabric panels
Most fabric panels have one-way visibility through them. They allow you to enjoy the exterior view and protect the area from the neighbor's intruding eyes.
2. Planting Screens and Berms
Evergreen trees and shrubs are the best privacy landscaping ideas in Mansfield, Arlington, or Fort Worth when grown together or in a row. You can also build a berm and plant it with medium-sized shrubs to provide landscape privacy to your backyard/ front yard. Consider junipers, columnar buckthorn, Canada red chokecherry, and hot wings maple as some of your options.
3. Water Features
If you live around a noisy road and neighbor, water features can work as an excellent technique to muffle them. It is also a landscape design that adds a sense of tranquility to your space in Arlington, Mansfield, and Fort Worth.
4. Green Walls and Vines
Consider the climate in your region and use evergreen ivy or silver lace vines to build a green wall around your property. They grow fast and enhance privacy in your backyard/front yard.
5.Building Around a Tree
Use the trees already on the property to develop a privacy landscape for your backyard/ front yard. It is the most sustainable method for creating it.
Just because your neighbors live next to you, it does not mean you have to compromise on the privacy of your home. While choosing any privacy landscape design, remember some landscaping ideas may work great for your spaces, and some won’t in Arlington, Mansfield, and Fort Worth. Consult a landscape design expert in your area to determine which kind of privacy landscaping best suits your unique property.